Isabella Naturopathy


  • Full logo suite

  • Colour palette

  • Typography System

  • Business Cards

  • Social Media Assets

This brand brought me so much joy to create. Isabella was looking for an organic, hand-drawn or painted logo, drawing on her connection with nature. We brainstormed concepts for a symbol that would feel right to her, that she would resonate deeply with.

With the hibiscus being a favourite of hers, as well as a symbol of nature’s healing properties, I painted a custom hibiscus logo that paired perfectly with vintage typography. Add in a palette inspired by nature’s pops of colour, and we created a unique yet grounded Naturopathy brand. 

Social media templates and business cards were designed with principles of simplicity in mind, inspired by the layouts of vintage publications, letting the vibrant colours of nature, and custom brandmark, speak for themselves.


Spicy Dugong


Ciao Bella Cibo